QLN Prestige 5








Enceintes 2.5 voies d’exception !


Pour les graves et les médiums, QLN a choisi les Scan Speak Illuminator de 184 mm :


Scan Speak également pour les aigus, avec une version dérivée de l’exceptionnel Illuminator D3004 et sa structure ‘AirCirc Magnet System’ :

QLN D3004

Le coffret Qboard utilise un système multi-couches qui élimine les résonnaces structurelles.

Les borniers sont des WBT Nextgen.


Bande passante : 26 à 34.000 Hz à -3 dB
Type de charge : Bass-Reflex
Sensibilité : 89 dB
Dimensions : 1054 x 315 x 650 mm
Poids : 41 kg / pièce



Prix : 18.500 € la paire  en finition noyer mat ou blanc mat.








La Presse en parle


I have never heard something so intense, and so loud, sound so clean and effortless.

Prestige 3 is still a winner for me in its price class, but Prestige 5 is clearly a big performance step-up in just about every way.

A Meeting By The River, the masterpiece of East meets West by Ry Cooder and VM Bhatt, was as real sounding as ever.

Fredo Viola’s My New Head sounded amazing.

The Qln Five has one of the most impressive price/performance ratios of anything I’ve heard in this price range.

Highly recommended.

                                                                                                                                                             Audio Head






The emphasis is on their overall gestalt as opposed to highlighting any part of their presentation. Think Harbeth here.

These speakers are about the music, not the critical listener looking to dissect equipment performance.

The Fives also offer energetic pace and rhythm when called upon to provide them, and boy can they rock !

Not only did they make me want to get up and dance, but they seemed to want to dance with me.

The bass extension and presentation of the P5 was quite something; taut, clean, impactful, and extended.

Mats’ use of a ported design is one of the best I’ve heard at this price point.

They offer nothing offensive and can be listened to relentlessly with zero fatigue—just a great speaker. Be warned.

The stage goes big—I’m talking really tall, really deep, and really wide. The perception of instruments is from all around the speaker but never from the speaker.

You can get lost in the reality of the stage they develop; and it adds tremendously to their overall performance.

                                                                                                                                                                The Absolute Sound, USA







The Qln Prestige Five hang music in the air in a wonderfully fulfilling way, in a manner that allows the thoughts of the day

to evaporate replaced by a living, breathing cloud of sound floating in space as if it was being created by a holographic projector,

all life-like rich and dimensional.

Regardless of the accompanying amplification, they remained as resolving as music demanded, as seamless and transparent

as I’ve heard from a multi-driver speaker, with that extra pound of flesh on music’s bones

to communicate the all to human nature of whatever music you choose to send their way.

Bravo !

                                                                                                                                                                Twittering Machines





