Enceintes 2 voies d’exception !
Woofer ScanSpeak en carbone.
Scan Speak également pour les aigus, avec une version dérivée de l’exceptionnel Illuminator D3004 et sa structure ‘AirCirc Magnet System’ :
Comme pour toute la gamme ‘Prestige’, les filtres sont à impédance constante, et câblés ‘en l’air’. Ils n’utilisent que de selfs sur air et des condensateurs MKP.
Le coffret Qboard utilise un système multi-couches qui élimine les résonnaces structurelles.
Les borniers sont des WBT Nextgen.
Prix : 9.900 € la paire en finition noyer mat ou blanc mat.
Option ‘noyer’ laqué : 1.100 €
Option ‘loupe de noyer’ laqué : 3.600 €
The best I have ever heard. No matter the price.
I have had speakers in my listening room that range from $500 to $45,000, and these speakers sound better than ALL OF THEM.
Yes, they best the $16-$45k Sonus Faber’s I have reviewed and raved about.
They beat the Dynaudio’s I have raved about, as well as ALL speakers I have reviewed in the past.
I simply have been blown away by this speaker, and not only does it offer the qualities of a very nice $20k two way stand mount,
it offers the tight and clean DEEP bass of a $20k set of towers.
The Qln’s are so natural that the music just flows in a way I have never experienced.
Natural, Wide, Effortless, Sweet, Silky, Detailed, Layered and Textured. Not bright yet not soft. Detailed yet not in your face.
Voices and instruments that float in space, yet remain in the correct part of that soundstage. Time aligned.
I can say these have a quality about them that reminds me of the original masterpiece from Sonus Faber. The ORIGINAL Guarmeri Homage.
The Qln has just as good of a midrange, treble and yet improves on the bass like you would not believe.
At times I catch myself saying that these sound like the Guarneri Homage but with world class bass performance.
Something those early Guarneri’s lacked.
They are that good.
Steve Huff
Do you love what large floor standing planar speakers do for the midrange and overall coherence of your system?
Do you love the low bass and tight punch of a well-designed cone driver in a transmission line or sealed box loudspeaker?
Do you crave low bass that plays loud and clean but need a smaller footprint speaker that usually requires a subwoofer(s)?
Do you love certain speakers with a silky yet detailed treble that image so well the system seems to disappear?
What if you could have all this in a moderate-sized, attractive floor stander that’s easy for most amps to drive?
For serious listeners who want it all, and at a price ($9,500/pair) that is beyond reasonable for something clearly in the land of the high-end ultra performers,
the Qln Prestige Threes not only do all these things, they do them very well.
Highly recommended. And an Editors Choice Award Winner !
Part Time Audiophile
You’ll hear transparency and layered detail only experienced from more expensive speakers.
You should still opt for the gorgeous upgrade if it’s in your budget,
but the sound is so wonderful and the standard veneer such value at $9495, who could resist ?
The Qln Prestige Three is a superb speaker for a knockout price;
a high end audio gem that will last your lifetime.
Very highly recommended.
The Qln Prestige Three is a compact yet highly capable floorstander
with very high build quality and even higher powers of musical engagement.
In many respects they are better than most.
HiFi +
I was really impressed with the pure musicality of the sound from the Prestige Three speakers
and with the holistic three-dimensionality of the soundstage.
I did not hear this combination of musicality and a multi-dimensional soundstage
from many speakers that cost three or four times as much !
The Audio Beatnik
It not only avoids sound discomfort, but also conjures up an emotionality in the reproduction
that I often miss even with much more expensive loudspeakers.
In my opinion, this is primarily due to the rapid, unrestricted dynamics, the fantastic resolution of detail and the open, holographic imaging.
I have seldom heard such a compact loudspeaker that plays as tonally, dynamically and emotionally
complete as these impressive Swedish beauties.
HiFi Lautsprecher
Top class, nothing more, nothing less !
Hifi & Music
Rarely have I heard such a compact loudspeaker that plays tonally and dynamically so completely and emotionally
as genuinely as these delicious Swedish snacks.
Absolutely worth the price !
Hifi Test
Cables, speaker connectors and internal damping :
Internal cabling is our own special design produced in Sweden.
Solid pure copper core wrapped around a polypropylene core with polypropylene isolation, bounded with a high damping acoustic shield to minimize acoustic feedback.
All components are carefully hand selected and individually tested for any deviances.
Speaker terminals are WBT Nextgen® connectors made of the highest grade silver plated copper with minimal copper mass for low energy storage lowering distortion and offering the purest contact to the speaker cable.
For internal acoustic damping we use real wool. Wool is the best material for internal acoustic damping but we need a small amount of syntetic fibre to get the right density.
Crossover :
The constant impedance crossover has been completely redesigned and hardwired with non-inductive capacitors for the tweeter part and high-end oil-filled capacitors for the woofer part with flat foil inductors used at the most critical places.
All components are fastened with damping glue and remaining coils are baked to avoid any internal component and filter resonances.
Resistors with high power handling capabilities offer lower noise and temperature stable performance, altogether resulting in perfect timing within the crossover and with low noise throughout the entire frequency range.
Truncated pyramid cabinet top with its minimized baffle area suppresses any standing waves inside the cabinet also offering improved 3D imaging.
Qboard® technology, structural resonances are eliminated [more on this below].
Cabinet is de-coupled from the floor via solid feet with cones and pucks constructed out of hard, high damping materials.
Custom Scan Speak drivers. The Kevlar® bass/mid-range driver has built-in copper rings in the magnet system and a 19mm long voice coil;
Tweeter has a large roll surround and textile dome diaphragm which provides a flat frequency response above 30 KHz. The unique AirCirc magnet system and its rear chamber eliminate any reflections and resonances.
What is Qboard Technology?
Qboard Technology is to convert vibration (energy) to heat (energy). Energy can never disappear. Some use spikes, pads, different de-coupling devises. They just transfer vibration-energy to some other places or by reflection smear out the vibration energy.
In all cases it always better to go to the source. If the cabinet vibrates, cure it there. If you have a headache, instead of taking a pain killer try to figure out why you have it (not always possible but try). This is done by sandwich design with viscoelastic glue or viscoelastic/high damping pads that is placed in right amount at right places.