Borresen x3d



Après avoir créé les enceintes Scansonic et Raidho,

Michael Børresen passe un nouveau cap avec une gamme à son nom.

Les woofers et médium sont développés sur base de leur modèle phare M1,

avec deux couches de carbone emprisonnant un nid d’abeille Nomex.

De conception identique à celle utilisée dans leur modèle M6 à 500.000 €,

la membrane du tweeter à ruban ne pèse que 0,01 gramme !

Malgré la légèreté des renforts en fibre de carbone,

le poids de 55 kg par enceinte démontre le soin apporté au reste du coffret.


.Finition laque noire ou blanche ou noyer :  10.000 € la paire ..

Borresen awards
Enceintes 2,5 voies
Réponse en Fréquence : 35 à 50.000 Hz
Rendement : 88 dB
Dimensions : 129 x 34,5 x 60,7 cm
Poids : 55 kg pièce
borresen 6
La presse en parle

Even at $25,000, I wouldn’t bat an eye at those asking prices. This speaker is THAT good.

It may be the last speaker most burgeoning music lover/audiophiles will ever need.

A Reviewers Choice winner.

And perhaps 2024’s best floorstanding speaker in terms of sheer value !


Part Time Audiophile

Would I buy them ? Yes, in a heartbeat, but I want to hear the X6s in our system first !

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Børresen X3 loudspeakers are fully deserving of HiFi PiG’s top award.

They are superb ! Editor’s Choice & Pick of 2023 !


HiFi Pig

Borresen X3 with their Axxess Forté was one awesome most memorable standout.

Boenicke new flagship 100.000 € model W22 was the other.

These were my two highlights of the Munich 2023 show !


Dawid Gryzb, Six Moons / HifiKnights


The X3 ribbon is one of the very best, ever. It’s part of magic of the Borresen sound, it’s in a whole other class.

Incerdible transient reponse… really, really impressive, you feel like you’re listening to space and time.

The separation between the instruments and the singer is so much sharper than I hear with other speakers,

it’s a wow moment to hear it, with that level of clarity.

It’s a fast sounding speaker, but not a hard, bright sounding speaker.

I spend many hours listening at midnight because it was one of those I just wanted to keep listening more and more and more.

It was that kind of experience reviewing this speaker.

The first album was Paul McCartney Unplugged, In this album, Paul is somewhat off-microphone,

I never noticed it quite like that before, on any other speaker.

Another aspect of the imaging that is exceptionnal is the way this speaker can image wider than the location of the speakers.

It can just throw this big, spacious but still very sharply focused sound stage.

On Les Claypool’s, the bass was so intense, the drivers were kicking ass, it was so powerful and the texture and speed of the bass was extraordinary.

On Crosby, Stills and Nash – I’ve heard this recording gazillions of times before – for the first time I could hear their individual voices,

so in their harmonies I could pick them out.

It made the music, it made their performance that much more engaging and extraordinary. Just a thing of wonder to behold !

X3 looks, feels and sounds like a much more expensive speaker, it truly is a bargain.

It rearranged my brain, it really did. Because I’m not the guy who chases transparency and clarity.

But I was seduced by this sound, I fell in love with this sound, I kept pulling more and more vinyls, and more and more CD’s

because I kept getting more and more from it. I was feeling more from the music.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a speaker that throws a soundstage like this speaker does.

Borresen X3 put a smile on my face !

I was head over heels in love with these speakers, I was really sorry when they came to take it away, I shed a tear.

I’m going to miss these speakers. The X3 is definitely on the memorable speaker list, it competes with speakers itself a lot more.

SPEAKERS of the Year 2023 !


Steve Guttenberg


The Børresen X3 is refined and revealing loudspeaker, its delivery is apparently silky smooth yet it unearths detail with conspicuous precision.

I particularly like this combination of detail and finesse, it means that you can play at high levels without fatigue

because the speaker retains its composure thanks to low perceived colouration and good power handling capabilities.

It’s a pretty damn clean sound.

X3 is capable of powerful bass. There’s a real sense of pressure when a double bass is plucked, more so than on many other floorstanders of this scale.

The quietness of backgrounds with these Børresen X3s comes up many times in my notes,

it’s what lets you hear all the quiet stuff and it’s the quiet stuff that adds depth and body to the fundamentals in the music.

This is a high resolution loudspeaker, no doubt about it.

The space that is defined by these speakers is simply cavernous.

The bass is likewise disarming with some tracks, they don’t exaggerate the low end but with music that has genuine extension you know all about it.

Having such a smooth balance means that you can use relatively forward sources and cables without this quality being apparent.

Editor’s Choice & Best of 2023 Awards !


Jason Kennedy / The Ear




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